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Terrorists expand Internet activities using artificial intelligence — Anti-Terror Center

TASHKENT, September 4. /TASS/. Terrorists are increasing their online activities by using artificial intelligence and neural networks, which requires a collective response, head of the CIS Anti-Terror Center (ATC) Yevgeny Sysoyev said at a joint Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) conference on countering terrorism and extremism in Tashkent.
“Terrorists use the most advanced methods of information and psychological influence, including artificial intelligence and neural networks, which are not yet properly protected, in order to promote their ideology and produce content for Internet resources,” he said.
According to Sysoyev, “the lack of universally recognized international rules for online ethics” is becoming a critical problem.
“If the international community reaches a consensus and acts jointly under unified legal standards, terrorists will be deprived of the ability to conduct effective propaganda, recruitment, receive funding, communications, so they’ll lose their tools of control,” the official emphasized.
